Transform tools


3-Points Align

Relocate a node from three pairs of points, from an origin position to a target position.


Reference Rotation

3-point rotation. Angle snap option.


Local Rotation

2-point CAD-like rotation. Angle snap option, local XYZ axis direction option.


Reference scale

Transform Scale by matching reference vectors.


Position offset

Precise referential movements.



Scale an object by a dimensional value.


move and align (1D Align)

Move an object to a new destination and perform an 1D alignment.


Mirror tool

Viewport interactive mirror tool. Let’s you set a 3d gizmo for freely position mirror planes.


Reference move

CAD-like Move tool that uses two (origin and destination) reference points.


Swap transform

Select a collection of objects and cycle their transform from one to the next.


Random swap transform

Randomly swap position, rotation and scale between the selected objects.


Drop objects

Drop objects into underlay surfaces


Arrange objects (start-end)

Distribute objects (equally spaced) on a linear direction.


Arrange objects (real-time)

Distribute objects (equally spaced) on a linear direction.


Arrange objects (interactive)

Object distribution tool.

Measure tools


Measure distance

Draw temporary dimension lines in the viewport.


Distance - continued

Draw a contiguous (milti-point) dimension line.


Measure history

Review distance measurements, create dimension objects to show them.


Measure Angle

Measure any angle by three points.


Measure area

Measures a 2D polygonal area by picking vertex points.


Measure volumne

Cubic volume measurement.


Angle between two faces

Measures the angle between two polygons.


Angle between two edges

Measures the angle between two selected edges.


Divide distance

Place reference points between two points.


Home grid Scale

Display XYZ reference units for the active viewport grid.


Object spatial info

Displays information about an object’s dimension and transformation.


Object Z-position

Displays a guide that indicates an object’s elevation.

Spatial reference guides

Reference tools are intended to improve and speed up architecture modeling, or any case where the use of dimension references are needed. It allows to create construction guides, for accurately position and model objects. This guides can act as rulers, displaying custom measurement units in the viewport. The main functionality of this toolset consist in the creation of two types of reference objects: linear guides and protractors.



Line guide - Free position

Reference guide that works as a ruler.


Line guide - Orthogonal position

Reference guide that works as a ruler.


Line guide - Polar positioning

Reference guide that works as a ruler.


Protractor - free positioning

Reference protractor object for working with angles.


Protractor - orthogonal position

Reference protractor object for working with angles.


Protractor - polar position

Reference protractor object for working with angles.


Reference point

Position a vertex-snap enabled points in guides intersection.


Display guide units

Displays line guides units scale and protractor angles on the viewport.

Additional refGuides tools


Delete guides

Delete all refGuides.


Toggle intersections

Intersection points toggle.


Guides - set protractor

When the option is enabled, a protractor will be created when placing reference guides.


Guides - lock guides

Turn on to lock the guides after creation.


Guides - keep grid

Keep the temporal grid active after polar mode guides creation.


Guides - Intersection mode

Toggle to change the guidelines intersection behavior.

Replicator and Eyedropper



Tool for replacing objects Interactively.


Replicator options

Toggles that changes the behavior of the tool


Replicator - options

Copy almost any property from one object to another. I.E: Match the radius of a circle with the length of a rectangle, render properties, layer or anything else.


Eyedropper - transform

Copy selected node transform to another node or group of nodes.


Eyedropper - material

Copy selected node material and wire color to another node or group of nodes.


Eyedropper - modifiers

Copy selected node modifiers to another node or group of nodes.


Eyedropper - UVW modifiers

Copy selected node UVW modifiers to another node or group of nodes.


Eyedropper - visual properties

Copy selected node display and and render options to another node or group of nodes.


Eyedropper options

Toggles that changes the behavior of the eyedropper tool.

Geometry modification


Object merge

Combine geometry and splines into one object.


Object explode

Explode geometry elements and spline shapes


Align vertices

Align a selection of vertices in a straight line.


Edge length

Change the length of selected edges.

Object Utilities


1D array

Clone object between 2 points


2D array - interactive

Fast, interactive, in-viewport 2.5D Array.


Array - Pattern

Create complex Rule-Pattern based arrays.


Polar array

Clone and orient an object around a center.



Simple Paneling tool. Creates panels on planar areas.



Position features over a collection of objects.


UVW tools

Fit, center, and reset the gizmo. Delete all UVW modifiers on the object’s stack.


UVW Bulk add

UVW modifier Bulk apply.


UVW transform

Apply random, rule-based or constant transforms to mapping modifiers.


Pivot quick position

Several options to quickly reposition the pivot.

/features/064-2-pivot-to point

Pivot to point (shortcut)

Snap to point keyboard shortcut.


Modifiers presets

Tool for storing presets for modifiers.


Align Assets

Put nodes in line.


Random transform

Tool with several options to randomize transforms.


Random select

Select random nodes.

General Utilities


Color Clipboard

Dockable color clipboard.


Snap sate sets

Save States for Snap settings.


Wirecolor adjust

Adjust the wire colors for the current selection.

Scene Organization


Local isolate

Isolate object and set an active grid with it’s local coordinates.


Incremental isolation

re-Isolate within current selection.


unHide selection

Unhide object by selection


unFreeze selection

unfreeze objects by selection


Layer - isolate

Isolate/Un-isolate selected object/s layer/s.


Layer - Lock

Lock current layer or pick an object to change the layer state or properties..


Layer - Off

Lock current layer or pick an object to change the layer state or properties.


Layer - box mode

Set Box mode status for selected/picked node layer.


Layer - BackFaceCull

Set Box mode status for selected/picked node layer.



Camera manager

Utility to review scene cameras, assign a custom resolution to each, and add it to a batch render view or state set.


Viewport composition guides

Clone object between 2 points


Replace scene materials

Replace each scene material with an alternative one.


Remove materials from selection

Remove materials from the selected objects.


Select without material

Select objects without material.


Select by material

Select objects with the same material.


Quick material ID Set

Dialog UI for select and set material IDs


Bitmap multi-loader

Convenient dialog to load multiple bitmaps on the material editor.


Map name from file

Change the names of Bitmap Textures to the name of the loaded files.


Missing textures

Quickly replace parts of the file path of bitmaps in the scene.

Normal map gamma correct

Change the gamma value for normal maps textures.